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Fraud Warning: The RCMP Will Not Ask You to Send Them Bitcoin

Instacoin advises the public of a notable increase in fraudulent emails, letters and phone calls directed to Canadian citizens by scammers posing as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) or other police agencies in an attempt to extract payment. Do not send Bitcoin in response to such requests. We encourage you to contact the police if you receive such a call.

Instacoin operates a bitcoin payment service. Like other network providers, Instacoin is not responsible for your actions on the network.

Instacoin cannot help you if you deal with someone or for a purpose that you haven't taken the steps to verify.

Remember: bitcoin transactions are irreversible.

How can you tell if you are the target of this type of scam?

  1. The caller will try to convince you that they are an officer from the RCMP.
  2. The caller will try to convince you that they have one of your loved ones in custody.
  3. The caller will explain that the only way for your family member or friend to be released is if you transfer an amount of coins to the QR Bitcoin address provided.

Learn more about preventing fraud